The recipe: boiled chestnuts with fennel

The recipe: boiled chestnuts with fennel

The Marrone chestnut from Santa Fiora: The Chestnut from Santa Fiora (Marrone Santafiorese) is a sweet, smooth, light brown fruit. In autumn, from early October onwards, after the first rains, the dance of the fruits that fall from the trees begins. And the consequent...


Nothing is thrown away from the pork, says an old proverb. And when you think about it, it’s really true! Even the bones find an appropriate use, they become… jelly. the tradition of pork In the Monte Amiata tradition, the pork was slaughtered after the...
The recipe: chestnut polenta

The recipe: chestnut polenta

Chestnut polenta is a winter dish, now in the contemporary frenzy of the immediate, we consume it in autumn, but the flour arrived later, once the harvest was over, there was to dry the chestnuts and then take them to the mill. Ingredients for 4 persons (and tools):...
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